
Frequently Asked Questions by 教师

残疾支助服务办公室协调和确保服务和住宿 对于有任何残疾(包括临时残疾)的注册学生, 根据《全球网络赌博平台》和《全球网络赌博平台》第504条的规定 Act of 1973. 这些服务为学生提供平等的教育机会 尽量减少功能限制对其学术和非学术的影响 生活. 发展支助事务办公室还帮助提供与残疾有关的指导和信息.

DSS是校园内唯一能够确定适当住宿的办公室 for students. 关于批准任何住宿的决定是基于 有残疾/健康状况的学生提供的文件(包括 temporary), as well as the student’s functional limitations.

No. 残疾学生有可能选择不注册 或者他们可能没有达到资格标准,以便收到 服务.

在DSS办公室注册的学生将向您出示当前的信件 of approved accommodations each term. 的 student may elect which accommodation they 想在一个给定的类讨论后使用类的框架与 the professor.

如果学生延长了住宿时间,必须提供指定的 extra time delineated on their accommodation letter. If 你 have any questions regarding 这具体住宿,请与全球网络赌博平台联系,全球网络赌博平台将非常乐意协助 你.

DSS办公室鼓励但不要求注册学生与 每个学期开始的时候,我都会和你讨论他们的住宿通知书. 然而, 学生可以在DSS注册或向您出示他们的住宿通知书 at any time during the semester.

No. 说明和描述学生残疾或医疗状况的文件 is considered confidential information. 然而, please call the DSS if 你 have concerns about a student in 你r class.

只有在DSS注册学生选择住宿时,您才有责任提供住宿 to use their approved accommodations.

学生对使用所提供的住宿负最终责任 been identified as reasonable. 你是 not expected to retroactively make adjustments on academic work prior to student use of their accommodations. If they request to 使用他们的住宿,你必须提供他们这样做的机会. 你是 to provide accommodations from that point on.

是的. 你可以联络决策支持处,与决策支持处主任讨论你的问题.

No. 你不需要提供任何要求的住宿,除非你已经 presented with a current Letter of Accommodations. A student must be registered with the DSS before accommodations can be provided.

No. 的 standards should be the same for all students. 然而, students with disabilities 可以展示他们的知识,生产理解或掌握不同的材料 than their peers. 住宿是为了解决这些差异而设计的,但是 quality of the end result should be the same.

不要认为学生的困难是残疾造成的. Talk privately with the student to discuss 你r observations. If after a thorough discussion with 学生,你认为学生可能需要其他帮助,你可以参考 学生到任何可能是合适的校园资源. You can offer 选择,如学术支持中心(也帮助学生 tutoring), the Counseling Center, as well as the DSS office. If the student discloses 他们确实有残疾或者认为他们可能有残疾,你可以这样建议 the student contact the DSS to explore options for accommodations.

Provision of accommodations is no guarantee of academic success. 的 student with 残疾人士和其他人一样有失败的权利,他们的工作也有失败的权利 student should be equivalent to his peers.

帮助ful Links

Increasing Universal Access by Developing Educational Resources

http://ncdae.org/resources/cheatsheets/ 本网站所有内容版权所有©2007-2019 NCDAE(国家残疾人中心) and Access to Education). All rights reserved.

这个网站提供了关于如何创建或更新教育内容的“备忘” in order to make it accessible.

国家残疾和教育中心允许使用这些材料 to accessed and used at no cost.  

Protecting Students With Disabilities

有关第504条及残疾儿童教育的常见问题  http://www2.ed.gov/about/offices/list/ocr/504faq.html


ADA问 & A: Section 504 & Postsecondary Education

by Deborah Leuchovius, PACER ADA Specialist 


PACER是明尼苏达州家长培训和信息中心,由美国政府资助.S. Department of Education's Office of Special Education 项目.